Eric Rosser on Wednesday night

You will find that around 150 crores has been knocked off from our gross NPA and this 700 crores will be the additional resolution which would be part of our stressed assets. That means we would have resolved about 50% of our stressed assets. Going forward, our focus would be on the resolution of stressed assets where we have already made advance progress from case to case basis and we hope that some of them would be resolved during the current year but at last, most of them, we expected would get resolved in at least the middle of next financial year.

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POUGHKEEPSIE The Poughkeepsie City School District Board of Education received a dismal budget report from Superintendent of Schools Dr. Eric Rosser on Wednesday night. Rosser was joined by the district interim Chief Operations Officer, William Hogan, to tell the board members that the district is facing substantial budget issues, due in part to the COVID 19 pandemic..

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